Summer Show – Club information 2023-24

This form is for Saturday Club tutors and coordinators to provide the Club information that will feature alongside your Club’s Summer Show display at Somerset House and on your Club’s dedicated webpage for the online Summer Show.

The completion of this form will also contribute to the National Saturday Club’s broader programme evaluation and evidence base. With this in mind, please expand on your answers as much as possible. Responses you provide on this form may also be incorporated into the online Summer Show, Partner Report and National Saturday Club promotional materials. 

This form should be uploaded along with digital files of any highlight photos from your Club year by Monday 13 May 2024. If you would prefer to complete this form offline, please download the Word document here.

Key notes 

Please send the following to 

  • A headshot to support your tutors’ quote  
  • A selection of images/film of your weekly sessions this year 
  • Any outstanding Self-Portraits (more information later) 

image of annted graphic

What were the highlights from your Club’s activities this year? 
Describe three standout moments, experiences or stories from your Saturday Club this year.

Club members’ self-portraits will also be included in both the Online Summer Show and the Summer Show exhibition at Somerset House. Self-portraits submitted for the London Visit will be included please provide details below if you are uploading any additional Club member self-portraits.

Club member certificate names
Please log on to the Exchange to update Club member certificate names for certificates and listings in the POST and Summer Show. 

You can watch this video tutorial to view how to do this in the Exchange HERE 

Please ensure that all Club members' names are spelt correctly in the "Certificate name" column of the Confirmed Club members table, and those that should receive a certificate and be listed in the Summer Show are ticked in the "Receive Certificate" column.

If any Club members are missing, please check whether they are in the "Applications/ Waiting list" table, if they are, please change status to "Club member". They will then appear in the "Confirmed Club member" table and you will be able to review the certificate name. If they are not in the "Applications/ Waiting list" table, you can use the "Add Club member" button to add them straight into the system. 

If you have any questions, please contact

View how to do this in the Exchange HERE

Club staff and Student assistant names
Please log on to the Exchange to update all staff and student assistants for the Summer Show and POST listings.

You can watch this video tutorial to view how to do this in the Exchange HERE 

Ensure all Staff and student assistants who should be credited in the Summer Show are in your staff table on the Exchange and have a tick in the "Credit in Summer Show" column. Please note that all Student assistants with a tick will also receive a Certificate of Achievement. 

If you have any questions, please contact

View how to do this in the Exchange HERE

Club funders to be credited
Please log on to the Exchange to update funding partners that need to be credited in the Summer Show.

You can watch this video tutorial to view how to do this in the Exchange HERE 

Please ensure that any external funders that should be credited in the Summer Show are up to date on the Exchange. This can be viewed and edited in the "Overview" section of the Exchange for each Club. Any logos should be sent to you network manager or

If you have any questions, please contact

View how to do this in the Exchange HERE

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