Maya Alvarado and Zofia Stepniak began their Masterclass at Truro and Penwith College with a presentation about Fixperts and how they use design skills to help solve immediate, everyday problems. They highlighted how the design should be adaptable, and as simple and easy to use as possible, and discussed the use of different materials.
Working in groups, the Club members’ first task was to create “fixes” for everyday tasks to help people with a variety of physical impairments. Simulating the impairments (by using a cardboard tube over an arm joint, for example) was a real eye-opener for the young people, and they threw themselves into the activity, creating some really impressive “fixes”. After lunch, they moved into the wood workshop, where they were asked to modify chopping-boards and knife handles.
By the end of the day, each group had made a really well thought-out prototype which demonstrated their imaginative skills and resourcefulness. It was a great day which exceeded all expectations.