The Craft&Making Saturday Club at MAKE Southwest joined Jess Grimsdale for a Masterclass on traditional signwriting and scrollwork techniques.
Jess, who is a traditional signwriter based in Bristol, gave a presentation about her career journey and crafting career. She showcased examples of her work, including paintings on canal boats, fairground rides, shop signs and café boards.
After presenting some of her painted enamel work, Jess explained that the Club members would be creating their own mugs in the session. She began by showing how to draw a traditional scroll step-by-step. The Club members then practiced drawing their own designs using pencil and paper. Once their drawings were complete, Jess demonstrated her painting techniques using a brush to paint scrolls. The Club members then painted their paper designs and after becoming familiar with the process, sketched and painted their designs onto their mugs.
Everyone shared their finished designs and took home their hand-painted enamel mugs. They also received a painting practice sheet to continue honing their skills.