Tejumola Butler Adenuga began his Masterclass for Coleg Sir Gâr Saturday Club with an introduction to his education and journey to becoming an artist. He asked the Club members about their own art practices, experiences and inspirations before introducing a series of drawing exercises focused on a theme of ‘Abstraction and Abstraction’.
As the Masterclass progressed the challenge of the drawing activities increased, with Club members using their non-dominant hands, and covering their eyes with a mask (which led to some laughter when the outcomes were revealed!). The final activity involved covering their paper with charcoal and using an eraser to create a self-portrait whilst looking directly at the camera, rather than the paper.
Throughout the Masterclass Tej gave insights into his own practice and experience, explaining that he chooses to work in black and white as he is red-green colour blind. Much of the Masterclass was centred around the concept that art does not have to be perfect, and the Club members really engaged with the freedom of the processes that Tej introduced to them.