Interview consent

By completing this form you agree to sharing your Saturday Club experience in a video call with a member of the Saturday Club Trust team.

When sections of the interview are quoted, you will be credited with your first name, Club name and a photo of yourself.

eg “I learnt how to communicate my ideas.” Jamali, Club member from Stoke College Fashion&Business Saturday Club.

Key Information

The interview will take place on Zoom, and will be recorded for documenting purposes.

Sections of the interview may be used publications the Saturday Club produces as well as to document your experiences at the Club, to fundraise for the charity and in promotional materials. The interview will only be used in written form, no film or audio of the interview will be publicly available.

We have a privacy notice which sets out in more detail the personal data we receive about you, what we do with it and how we keep it safe.

If you have any questions please do feel free to contact Emily from the Saturday Club Trust at


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