Privacy Notice

This page shares how the Saturday Club Trust collects and uses personal information.  

If you have applied to become a Saturday Club member, or are a Club member already, read about how we look after your personal information on the Club Member Privacy Notice here.  

If you are visiting our website, are an enquirer, subscriber, supporter, partner, or Masterclass giver this Privacy Policy describes how we responsibly use your data by handling it securely in compliance with the law.  


The National Saturday Club takes your privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting your personal information. This notice explains how we collect, use, and manage your personal information to help us provide creative learning to young people nationwide. We ensure that any use of your personal information is managed in line with all applicable laws.  

This notice includes: 

  • Who we are 
  • Children’s personal information 
  • What personal information we collect and its purpose 
  • How long we keep information 
  • How we store personal information 
  • How personal information may be shared 
  • International transfers 
  • Your rights  
  • Updates to this policy 

Who we are 

The Saturday Club Trust is an independent charity launched in 2016, to take over the development of the National Saturday Club. All personal information described in this policy is Controlled by The Saturday Club Trust.  

The Saturday Club Trust is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (no. ZA315350).  

If you have any queries about this policy or how we manage personal information, you can contact: 

Gemma Rust
Saturday Club Trust
Somerset House
London WC2R 1LA 

+44 (0)20 7845 5860 

Children’s personal information 

As a charity developed for young people, our website and services are used by people who are under 18. We always consider this when designing our forms and processing children’s personal data:  

  • Young people must be aged over 13 to give consent to receive our newsletter by email, and we will always obtain consent from a parent or guardian if children are aged 13 or under, 
  • Children must be aged 13 or over to fill out a form to contact a Club and have permission from a parent or guardian if under 16.   
  • If a young person under 18 is eligible to join a Club, they must obtain consent from their parent or guardian to provide information to us and to take part. 

What personal information we collect and its purpose 

Website Visitors 

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use our website ( We do this to help ensure the site is meeting the needs of our users and to make improvements.  

Google Analytics collects your IP address, including details of the device you are using and your location, information on the pages you visit, how long you spend visiting pages on our website, how you got to our website, and pages or links you click on whilst you’re here. We collect this under our legitimate interests, or with your consent.  

We don’t collect or store your personal information (for example, your name or address) through cookies and we don’t allow Google to use or share our analytics data. 

If you visit another website via ours, please read the privacy policy on that website to find out what it does with your information. 

Enquirers and Subscribers 

When you send an enquiry or share feedback with us we collect information under our legitimate interests so we can respond to you. We collect your name, contact details, any information provided by you to us, and in some cases your organisation and relationship with the National Saturday Club.   

If you subscribe to our newsletter we will ask for your consent, so you can manage your subscription preferences with us.   

Donors and potential supporters  

For existing donors, we collect data from you to communicate with you and accept donations. This includes your name, contact information, records of communication/transactions, and bank details.  We use these under our legitimate interests and legal obligations so that we can process your donation to the Saturday Club.  

We may also collect further information about some of our donors from the public domain and through communications with you. This may include public information about your interests, business or philanthropic history. This information is collected under our legitimate interests and legal obligation to help us manage our relationship with you, and in order to conduct due diligence checks for the charity.  

We also collect public domain information about people who are not yet supporters but who we think may be interested in supporting or becoming involved with the National Saturday Club.  We will only do this where we have a legitimate interest and will always balance this activity with your rights and freedoms.  

Club Partners and Masterclass Givers 

If you are a Club partner or you provide Masterclasses at one or more of our Saturday Clubs we will collect personal information about you to help us coordinate the Club programme and events. We also collect information for anonymous statistical monitoring and reporting across the Trust about the people who work with us.  

We may collect your name and contact details, information about your role or experience, photographs, accessibility information, and ED&I monitoring data. This information is collected from you under our legitimate interest or with your consent. We process special category data with your explicit consent or processed where we have substantial public interests.  

Some public domain research is conducted under our legitimate interests for Masterclass givers to help us understand more about your practice and work.  

Job applicants 

If you apply for a job with us, your application information is provided under our legitimate interests so we can assess your application. We will ask you for information about your employment history, experience, education, and proof of your identity and right to work. If you are successful, your information will be transferred to your staff file. Unsuccessful candidate data will be held for no longer than 6 months after a decision has been made.  

How long we keep personal data 

We only keep personal data for as long as is necessary for its purpose.  

We will keep enquiry information for 1 year after the enquiry is resolved. If you want to unsubscribe from our newsletters, we may keep your contact details permanently on a ‘suppression list’ to make sure that we don’t email you again.  

We will keep information about our donors and funders for 6 years from the end of the relationship, and financial transaction data will be deleted 6 years from end of the last financial year they relate to, following our legal obligations. 

We keep information about people who have worked with us for 6 years from the end of the relationship following our legal obligations, and we may keep Masterclass data for longer so we can continue to reach out to you with collaboration opportunities. You will always have the right to be removed from our lists.   

How we store personal data 

We will either store your data on our servers or in the Cloud. We have technical and organisational security measures in place to keep your personal data secure. These include physical security, digital security such as data encryption at rest and in transit, and organisational measures that ensure staff are trained to handle your personal data responsibly.  

How personal data may be shared 

We share information with relevant Saturday Club hosts under our legitimate interests. For example, if you send an enquiry about a specific Saturday Club, if you are working with a Club, or to help connect potential corporate supporters with a Saturday Club. 

If you donate, your information will be shared with our financial service providers and the Charities Aid Foundation for processing.  

In exceptional circumstances, we may pass on your personal information if we have a legal obligation to do so, which could include sharing the data with statutory bodies such as the police or if we have a vital interest in doing so to help save your life.  

We won’t share your information with any other organisations not named in this Privacy Notice for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we don’t pass on your details to other websites. 

International transfers 

Where we transfer your data outside the UK, we will ensure that: the country where the data is transferred to is deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission; or we use specific contracts approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe, combined with appropriate due diligence; or a specific legal exception applies. We will be responsible for ensuring your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this Privacy Policy. 

We transfer information to the United States via our MailChimp service.   

Your rights 

Under the law you have the following rights in relation to your personal data: 

  • Right to be informed; you can find out how we process your data, 
  • Right to access; you can receive copies of information we hold about you, 
  • Right to deletion: you can request that information about you be deleted, 
  • Right to data portability: you can request that information in certain formats be transferred to an alternate organisation, 
  • Right to object to processing: you can request that stop using your data in certain ways, 
  • Right to make a complaint; you can complain about the way we have handled your data to the Information Commissioner’s Office.  

If you have signed up for our email alerts, you can unsubscribe or change your settings at any time by selecting the ‘unsubscribe’ link included in every email. 

If you would like to request any of these rights, you have a question about this Privacy Policy, or wish to make a complaint please contact Gemma Rust at: 

Gemma Rust
Saturday Club Trust
Somerset House
London WC2R 1LA 

+44 (0)20 7845 5860 

You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at: 

Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House 

Water Lane 


SK9 5AF 

Or online at 

Updates to this policy 

This policy was last updated September 2024.  

We may update the terms of this Policy at any time, so please do check it from time to time. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address you have provided to us.  


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