In a Masterclass with Brinkworth, Art&Design Club members at Middlesex University collaborated with the Brinkworth design team on a creative project which explored architecture and interior design.
The day started with a presentation by the team about Brinkworth’s history, using in-depth visual accounts of their work. Adam Brinkworth, alongside his team, shared insights into how each of their careers began, illustrating the various pathways into the industry.
Club members were then divided into smaller groups and tasked with creating a display unit for their final project. Using recycled materials from a Brinkworth-designed exhibition, they constructed large-scale displays, which they arranged, decorated and presented to the other groups. This activity allowed Club members to explore the workings of architecture while highlighting the importance of sustainability, as all materials were repurposed.
The Brinkworth team reviewed their creations, and the winners were awarded a Brinkworth T-shirt as a congratulatory prize.