In a Masterclass with the English National Opera (ENO), Writing&Talking Club members from London Metropolitan University engaged in a puppetry workshop with actor Danny Dalton. After introductions and group cohesion warm-ups, the Club members were ready to engage in a collaborative task: to create and operate their own puppet. Danny introduced elements of bunraku puppetry to the group, which included learning about the hierarchal nature of operating a puppet.
After creating their paper puppets, Club members learned how to control each individual element: joints, limbs and head. Danny spoke about the importance of focus, breath and weight — Club members took these factors into consideration when moving their puppets. Each of their puppets had a torso that contracted and expanded to mimic breath. Club members worked collaboratively to realistically direct the puppet’s posture and movement. Danny reminded Club members about the importance of peripheral vision and spacial awareness, sharing anecdotes from his time on stage with the National Theatre’s ‘War Horse’ and Palace Theatre’s ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’.
After the workshop, Club members were invited on a tour of the London Coliseum, including front of house, the auditorium, orchestra pit and wig dressing room. Lead by Chris Bland and Poppy Harrison from ENO, Club members learned all about the building, including its architect Frank Matcham, who designed the Coliseum with audience experience in mind. To conclude the day, ENO invited the Club members to a performance of Jake Heggie and Gene Scheer‘s operatic adaptation of It’s a Wonderful Life.