Ceramic artist Laura Lightbody delivered a Masterclass for Cove Park’s Art&Design Club that took place over two consecutive Saturdays. In the first session, she gave an introduction to her practice before outlining the project: to produce four samples of collage, A4 in size, that worked together as a group.
Choosing from coloured vinyl, magazines and leftover packaging, the young people rose to the challenge and soon began to develop their images. The session ended with a discussion of what they had produced.
In the second session the Club members developed their collages for use on blank ceramic tiles. Laura demonstrated how to cut shapes from enamel decals, let the transfers soak in water and apply the shapes to the ceramic surface without trapping air bubbles.
Then each member, approaching the exercise in his or her own way, set to work in a considered, calm and confident manner, producing a collection of striking designs.