The Society&Change Saturday Club at Manchester Metropolitan University was joined by Ocean Generation for a Masterclass on the significance of the Ocean – the world’s least understood and most precious resource.
The session was led by Dr. Gemma Connell, Youth Programme Developer for Ocean Generation, which is a UK based charity with a mission to empower a global movement to tackle ocean threats through science and storytelling. Gemma shared her career journey – transitioning from a professional dancer to academia –emphasising that everyone’s path is different and can change at any point. Before delving into the main activity, she explained the critical role the ocean has on our health and planet.
Club members were divided into groups and asked to imagine they were employees of a business unaware of its negative impact on the ocean. Their task was to propose ways for the business to become more sustainable by using Ocean Generation’s framework of the 5 R’s: recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse and rethink. The groups could choose any sector to focus on such as gyms, football, or fashion.
Following on from the activity, each group presented their ideas and were given positive and constructive feedback on their proposals. This activity allowed Club members to learn about the actions you can take today and how you can apply this knowledge of ocean intelligence to their future career, regardless of their chosen field.