In a Masterclass with Deborah Latouche, Fashion&Business Club members from Istituto Marangoni and Fashion Retail Academy created their own garments, taking inspiration from some of the most prestigious fashion designers in the world.
Deborah Latouche, Creative Director of SABIRAH and UK Corresponding Editor for Elle Italia, shared her professional journey with Club members. From collaborating with friends to incorporating sustainability into a luxury brand, Deborah shared aspects of her life and career. Club members learned about the value of being gregarious and resilient in order to develop an extensive armoury of experience. Deborah also shared her background in furniture textile design and writing for fashion magazines.
With an ethos of sustainability in mind, Deborah set a task of creating a signature piece of clothing to grace a catwalk for a famous designer’s collection. Club members were encouraged to use pre-loved fabric and garments. Split into groups, each team was given one of the following distinguished designers to research and then create a garment for Oscar de la Renta, Christopher John Rogers, Vivienne Westwood, and Alexander McQueen. After researching the designer, members discussed what elements of the house style they wanted to incorporate into their design.
With their creations complete, members drew their garments with a focus on the sense and feel of the piece. For an unconstrained depiction, Deborah guided the Club members to work in paint without making initial sketches. Each group then presented their garment, explaining the elements from the designer’s collection that inspired them.